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Staff App
What is your in-game name?
Answer: Jeffrey

What is your SteamID32?

Answer: STEAM_0:1:531545323

About how long have you been with Eclipse as a community member?

Answer: Not sure like a month to like a few weeks

What time zone are you in?

Answer:  Eastern Daylight Time

How often do you play? What time(s) do you normally play?

Answer: Anywhere from like 8 am to like 4 pm

How old are you?

Answer: 18

Have you ever received any form of punishment? (This includes jails, bans, warns, kicks, etc.)

Answer: Yes i got a warn for rdm because i was killing people who killed me and i might have killed the wrong person not sure on accident but i wont do it again.

Do you have Discord and a working microphone? If so, are you on the Discord server??

Answer: I do not have a working mic but i will tomorrow.

Are you familiarized with the MOTD and general rules? If so, about how strong is your understanding of these rules?

Answer: Ive looked over them most of them are on every server pretty obivious and i will listen to the rules at all times

Are you good with people? How are your conversational skills?

Answer: Pretty good i like talking to people and i meet new players all the time and try to help them

Some common admin-related or general acronyms are RDM, RDA, NLR, LTAP, OOC, DDoS. Define what these acronyms stand for and what they mean.

Answer: random death match, random death arrest im pretty sure, new life rule, leave to avoid punishment, out of character chat, Distributed Denial of Service

What makes you play on Eclipse over any other server?

Answer: Mostly because like its a decently small server and i wanna be there for like the growth and like help make recommendations to the server plus a few of the jobs i like, like crypto miner, render farm manger, and the miner job and weed job.

What is your motivation to become an staff member? Why do you want to be an staff member?

Answer: Because i see sometimes that some staff are afk or there all sleeping and people are breaking rules and id like to try to help.

What do you hope to accomplish in the long run as an staff member?

Answer: Try to grow the server help the community and help the server 

How do you think you can benefit the community?

Answer: I could be positive help out when they need help or just like talk to players.

Do you have any prior experience being an admin or staff member?

Answer: I do not but i think it would be fun to try

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