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Claytons staff application
What is your in-game name?

Answer: Clayton 

What is your SteamID32?

Answer:  Steam32 ID

About how long have you been with Eclipse as a community member?

Answer:  I played this server a lot when it first came out around 6-7 years ago loved the server and played it a lot went working out of town and I stopped playing all games in general so I have been getting back into it and reconnecting with the server 

What time zone are you in?

Answer:  I live in Texas so I am central time zone.

How often do you play? What time(s) do you normally play?

Answer: I usually start playing around 5 if I am working and get off the server at like 1-2 am but if I don't have any jobs lined up typically on all-day 

How old are you?

Answer: I am 22 

Have you ever received any form of punishment? (This includes jails, bans, warnings, kicks, etc.)

Answer: I have no warnings and will stay that way 

Do you have Discord and a working microphone? If so, are you on the EclipseRPco Discord server??

Answer: yes and my Discord is 23_231

Are you familiar with the MOTD and general rules? If so, how strong is your understanding of these rules?

Answer: I am very familiar with gmod dark RP rules in general I play this game a lot so I know the main rules and some but if there is something I don't know I will always look into it and I am willing to learn the type of person that likes learning things and having social interactions 

Are you good with people? How are your conversational skills?

Answer: I am a social person depending on the topic if it is a topic I don't know or they are talking about stuff I have never heard of or something like that I usually try to be quiet and observe and learn a thing or 2 but if its a topic I like or just talking I don't mind could talk all-day 

Some common admin-related or general acronyms are RDM, RDA, NLR, LTAP, OOC, and DDoS. Define what these acronyms stand for and what they mean.

Answer:  RDM is where you say you are walking down the street to the car dealer and randomly get shot and killed it would be RDM Random Death Match RDA is very similar to RDM in many ways it is the same thing but instead of being randomly killed you have been randomly arrested with no proper causes NLR stands fore New Life Rule so, in other words, say your base gets raided and you get killed it's like irl your not going to go running back to your bace becasue you died you will have to wait out your NLR timer before you go back to your base but NLR is a verry common thing aslong with revenge rdm LTAP is where some one would be in an admin sit and just leave to avoid getting kicked/banned so it dosent go into there record and cant be acted on OOC is out of charapter so say you and your buddy are ingame and are talking about something thjat happend irl in game chat or asking people for something in the game that dosent aply to the rp that is happening you would do // what ever so then it shos up as ooc DDOS is something that sadly happens allot when playing games its where someone can lag a game sever or your personal computer or whatever host a game uses with a series of small attacks at large valume can shut down servers and games and even personal WIFI

What makes you play on Eclipse over any other server?

Answer:  overall I love the server I've played it for a long time and to be honest only one I actually enjoy playing and have fun on and the server has a strong friendly and welcoming community that makes it way more enjoyable 

What is your motivation to become a staff member? Why do you want to be a staff member?

Answer: I really like the server and would like to see it thrive as a community and also noticed when I was on the server there was a period of multiple days in a row with no staff on the server at all and there were multiple people that were needing to be helped and I was trying to help but there is so little I could do and I love helping people and just seeing them happy when they get on a server to have fun because you never know maybe they had a shit day and needed to get there mind of things so they join the server and overall have a good time I would like to be there for the community by helping make the server better in any way shape or form keeping out all the people that just join to troll or mas rdm and nlr because they think it's funny and are just ruining the playing experience of the sever 

What do you hope to accomplish in the long run as a staff member?

Answer: I hope to accomplish a lot when I'm staff because there can always be improvements always nothing is perfect neither is any person, in the long run, I want to just see the server like it was back around 5-7 years ago there were so many people there were always fun things to do admin events and such and the community was one we all know each other and had fun it wasn't even like a server it was more like a big friend group at that time I want to make it like that again

How do you think you can benefit the community?

Answer: I hope to accomplish a lot when I'm staff i just want to help the community and be someone they want to talk to when they have issues no matter what it may be a real issue or an in-game issue on the matter if it something small or big I want to be there with the community and help anyone that needs it 

Do you have any prior experience being an admin or staff member?

Answer:  yes I do in other games such as Rust and Fivem and once owned my own Fivem server and have been staff on a few other games as well 

Additional Information (Optional):

Answer:  I am a Traveling Welder trying to stay around the house and ease out of all the traveling to have time with my family so will be on a lot and active  
cool story
Cool Beans dude
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