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Staff Application
Big Grin 
What is your in-game name?

Black Tip Shawty

What is your SteamID32?


About how long have you been with Eclipse as a community member?

a month or so i believe

What time zone are you in?

Central American Time

How often do you play? What time(s) do you normally play?

atleast 5 or 6 times a week

How old are you?


Have you ever received any form of punishment? (This includes jails, bans, warns, kicks, etc.)


Do you have Discord and a working microphone? If so, are you on the Discord server??

yes to both

Are you familiarized with the MOTD and general rules? If so, about how strong is your understanding of these rules?

yes very well versed

Are you good with people? How are your conversational skills?

very good

Some common admin-related or general acronyms are RDM, RDA, NLR, LTAP, OOC, DDoS. Define what these acronyms stand for and what they mean.

rdm is when a player randomly kills someone.
rda is when someone randomly arrests someone.
nlr is a set amount of time until you can go back to the location you died.
ltap is leave to avoid punishment.
ooc is out of character.
ddos is Distributed denial of service attack

What makes you play on Eclipse over any other server?
i like the server alot fun to play on and have fun

What is your motivation to become an staff member? Why do you want to be an staff member?

im almost always on and am reliable to situations and tasks. i enjoy the server and i just want to help it improve and grow.

What do you hope to accomplish in the long run as an staff member?

banning rdmers, helping people with information and things they might need help with, and  being a staple to the community

How do you think you can benefit the community?

keeping peace and order while teaching and helping people

Do you have any prior experience being an admin or staff member?

a very good amount

Additional Information (Optional):

fun fact: did you know that a human anus can fit 2 and a half raccoons?
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Staff Application - by Black Tip Shawty - 05-03-2024, 07:34 PM

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