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Shadow's Staff Application
What is your in-game name? Shadow

What is your SteamID32? 76561198944389215 

About how long have you been with Eclipse as a community member? Just lately joined. But I understand if you want to deny me for this.

What time zone are you in? GMT+8

How often do you play? What time(s) do you normally play? Like I said I am currently new so I don't play often yet. What times I will normally player is dependent on when I have things and when I don't but it will be mainly weekends as I am most free

How old are you? 17

Have you ever received any form of punishment? (This includes jails, bans, warns, kicks, etc.) No.

Do you have Discord and a working microphone? If so, are you on the Discord server?? Yes And yes. I am currently inside the discord server.

Are you familiarized with the MOTD and general rules? If so, about how strong is your understanding of these rules? I have currently wrote down all of the rules inside of a notepad to memorize them so currently it would be pretty high.

Are you good with people? How are your conversational skills? I am pretty good with people I am fluent in English and can help everyone. I am pretty good at conversing with people Not much I can do to prove it until I am hopefully in the position

Some common admin-related or general acronyms are RDM, RDA, NLR, LTAP, OOC, DDoS. Define what these acronyms stand for and what they mean. RDM = Random Death Match RDA = Random Death Arrest NLR = New Life Rule LTAP = Leaving to Avoid Punishment. OOC = Out Of Character DDoS = Distributed denial of service attack 
What makes you play on Eclipse over any other server?

What is your motivation to become an staff member? Why do you want to be an staff member? I wish to become a staff member on this new server to help out players and to improve my experience as bigger servers don't like people with 0 experience and naturally deny them without a 2nd shot if they have 0 experience I have very little experience so that Is why I wish to improve. As well as the community so far from what I've seen is a bunch of good fellows having fun on the server messing around and everything like that and you (the owner) seem like a pretty nice guy (or girl) as well.

What do you hope to accomplish in the long run as an staff member? To Hopefully become the head of the administration or head of staff, something along those lines.

How do you think you can benefit the community? With my experience of the plugin we are currently using (seen down below) I am already ready and knowledge of a lot of the admin 
commands which makes me better than people who have no idea what they are or what they do. I am very serious about moderation sits out of on duty I will of course be joking around talking and not being serious but when on duty I must make a performance and a expression of what the staff team truly is. I have experience in moderating in OTHER games which already has me prepared for the idiotic people and the trolls that will come in once and awhile to ruin the player experience.

Do you have any prior experience being an admin or staff member?  I have experience in the current admin plugin ULX I can tell you the player commands to help you out such as. * = Everyone ^ = Yourself @ = The person your facing $\ = SteamID UserID IP Or UniqueID #\ = Specific people inside of a group %\ User's with access to a certain group ! = Reversing the effects of certain things such as if you were to do !* it would only do you. Besides all of that I don't have much more if your wondering I do have knowledge of most of the ULX commands not just the player commands.

Additional Information (Optional): No.
thank you for watching my epic application
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