Yo What Up It's Ya Boi back with another Staff App - Printable Version

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Yo What Up It's Ya Boi back with another Staff App - JackinHood - 04-10-2024

What is your in-game name?


What is your SteamID32?


About how long have you been with Eclipse as a community member?

Way to long.... But for this time around about a week now, all up around 10 years

What time zone are you in?


How often do you play? What time(s) do you normally play?

Depends on the day and how lazy/tired I am after work but most likely a couple hours a day

How old are you?


Have you ever received any form of punishment? (This includes jails, bans, warns, kicks, etc.)

I have no Idea, I probably have been in the past

Do you have Discord and a working microphone? If so, are you on the Discord server??

Yes and yes

Are you familiarized with the MOTD and general rules? If so, about how strong is your understanding of these rules?

Pretty well, also will also note here that I believe the rule under base building about keypaded fading door is probably wrong just a bit.

Are you good with people? How are your conversational skills?

I mean i'm alright, sometimes it dose depend on how much sleep I had gotten

Some common admin-related or general acronyms are RDM, RDA, NLR, LTAP, OOC, DDoS. Define what these acronyms stand for and what they mean.

RDM= Random Death Match, Dont kill people without a reason. RDA = Random Death Arrest, Goverment jobs randomly arresting people, NLR = New Life Rule, You are unable to return to an area within certen times depending on the place you were killed LTAP = Leave To Avoid Punishment, When someone leaves the server after braking one of the rules or during an admin sit OOC = out of chacter, A chat that talks to everyone online, not used for RP, eg saying a store is open DDoS = Denial of Service, Ngl i dont know what the Second d stand for, When someones internet is taken offline useing bot to attack the internet IP address 

What makes you play on Eclipse over any other server?

At this point it is the histroy of the server. At this point I really play any other RP server on Gmod

What is your motivation to become an staff member? Why do you want to be an staff member?

Hoping to help someone get the server back to the good old days, Also I enjoyed my time on the server and interacting with the staff, looking to pay it forward to say

What do you hope to accomplish in the long run as an staff member?

As mentioned before the long term growth of the server

How do you think you can benefit the community?

When we get more players on I do like to host car events and other events to add to the things to do in the server, And also gotta keep the Server's number of Johns upp

Do you have any prior experience being an admin or staff member?

Yea, I was an admin of Eclipse many years ago now and held Staff on some other servers back in the day

Additional Information (Optional):


RE: Yo What Up It's Ya Boi back with another Staff App - Shadow - 04-11-2024


RE: Yo What Up It's Ya Boi back with another Staff App - ☆⁧⁧亗『Akuma』亗 - 04-30-2024

Cool Beans dude